Frequently Asked Questions
Does MaxCorp draft Trusts, Wills or other estate planning documents?
NO. MaxCorp provides administrative and legal services relating to the administration of Trusts, Estates, Conservatorships and Guardianships. There are many highly skilled, professional Trust and Estate Planning attorneys in Hawaii that can assist you with your planning and drafting needs.
How many professionals do you have on staff providing fiduciary services?
MaxCorp, as a non-profit organization, provides professional fiduciary support services. There are no individual professional trustees. MaxCorp has a team of attorneys and other legal support staff who must follow and be held to the highest ethical and fiduciary standards. Our legal team ensures that trust related administrative matters are handled in a cost-effective, efficient and proper.
Can I lock in my MaxCorp fees if I name MaxCorp in my Trust or Will?
NO. The current fee schedule is available upon request. The Executive Director is authorized to adjust the fee schedule as needed, and pro bono or low bono options are available subject to the Executive Director’s approval.
Only once MaxCorp steps in and starts providing its administration and legal services does MaxCorp begin charging any fiduciary and legal fees in accordance with the current fee schedule.
Will MaxCorp serve as Co-Trustee with me for my personal Trust?
MAYBE. In special circumstances and with the approval of the Executive Director, MaxCorp may serve as Co-Trustee with the Settlor of a personal Trust where the Co-Trustee/Settlor is also the primary Beneficiary. However, please complete a Client Intake form and set up a meeting with the Executive Director to discuss this before naming MaxCorp as Co-Trustee.
Will MaxCorp serve as Co-Trustee with one of my family members?
NO. To ensure MaxCorp can provide the most cost-effective and efficient fiduciary support services, our role is structured to provide administrative and oversight services in trust-related matters rather than acting as a co-fiduciary.
If I have a preferred CPA or tax return preparer, will MaxCorp continue to work with the CPA?
YES. In most situations, as long as it is cost-effective and efficient, MaxCorp will continue to work with your CPA or tax return preparer. If you do not have a CPA or tax return preparer, we will take care of your taxes and hire the most cost-effective CPA or tax return preparer for your situation and needs.
MaxCorp does not prepare tax returns. However, MaxCorp’s legal team provides the documentation to the hired CPA or tax return preparer, analyzes and undertakes any tax saving measures, carefully reviews the draft tax returns, and ensures that the tax returns are timely filed. MaxCorp also ensures all necessary tax returns are filed, pays any outstanding taxes and penalties, and/or collects tax refunds.
If I have a preferred financial planner or investment adviser, will MaxCorp continue to work with him or her?
YES. In most circumstances, MaxCorp will continue to work with your trusted financial planner or adviser. If you do not have a financial or investment adviser but your case warrants working with one, MaxCorp will coordinate and hire the most cost-effective financial or investment adviser depending on the specific circumstances and on a case-by-case basis. MaxCorp’s legal team stays up-to-date on asset management, the ups and downs of the market, and other wealth management tools available, and consults with trusted financial and investment adviser to ensure everything is properly handled in your best interest—whether that is engaging in tax liability reduction or ensuring sufficient yields and returns.
If I have a preferred realtor or escrow agent, will MaxCorp work with him or her to sell my real property?
YES. If the sale of a property is imminent, MaxCorp will work with your preferred realtor and/or escrow agent. If the sale of your property is not imminent, we will continue to consult with you to see what may work best when it comes time to sell any real property.
If you do not have a preferred realtor, MaxCorp will work with its own realtor, who charges a reduced commission of only 2.5% and facilitates all aspects of the sale, including any necessary repairs, and closing the sale with us. MaxCorp will also work with its own escrow agent, who is familiar with certain specific Trusts, Estates, and Conservatorships documents and processes.
If I just need a professional trustee to complete a deed transfer of Trust real property, or provide minimal administrative services, can MaxCorp help with that?
YES. In these circumstances, please contact us, fill out a Client Intake form and set up a meeting with the Executive Director to discuss your specific circumstances.
Why do I need to fill out a MaxCorp Client Intake Form?
In our experience, the information provided on the Client Intake form is extremely useful to ensuring that (1) MaxCorp is a good, suitable fit for your needs, (2) we have your current contact information on file, and (3) there are no surprises when it comes time for MaxCorp to step in provide its administrative and legal services, especially with respect to locating assets and beneficiaries, so that MaxCorp’s role can be efficient and cost-effective. The Client Intake form also allows MaxCorp’s team to understand your situation, provide tips on things to do now to ensure the smooth administration of your Trust and Will before it is too late, and provide some background before meeting with the Executive Director so that any discussions can be productive and efficient.
Why do I need to provide MaxCorp with a copy of my Trust, Will, Power of Attorney and/or other documents?
In our experience, sometimes family members cannot find the original documents—or even copies of documents, and this can add unnecessary delays and costs. We understand that you may update your Trust and Estate documents, which is advisable and recommended. However, if something were to happen to you unexpectedly and we need to step in and provide our services, having a Client Intake form and copies of your documents on file helps to ensure a smooth, cost-effective administration of your assets in accordance with your wishes. Additionally, if you do not fill out a Client Intake form or provide us with copies of your documents naming MaxCorp, then we may not know that we need to step in and assist.
If you update your documents, please let us know so we can update your file.
Where can I view MaxCorp’s Form 990 online?
You can view, download, and print MaxCorp’s Form 990 by visiting:
What fees do you charge for your services?
Click here to view our fee schedule.
This website is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this website constitutes legal advice. We expressly disclaim any responsibility for actions taken or not taken based on information on this website. The information is provided “as is,” without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. The content is general and may not reflect current developments and is subject to change without notice.